The wellness trend has caught on quite a bit in recent years. In fact, taking care of yourself has turned into a trillion-dollar global industry with more and more people from all over the world investing in gym memberships and their nutrition. And while this is definitely a good thing, many people seem to be neglecting a very important element of a healthy lifestyle. According to World Sleep Day statistics, 35% of people feel like they're lack of sleep impacts both their physical and mental health. But what exactly does sleep have to do with living healthy? Read on as we discuss the links between sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Importance of Sleep According to neuroscientist Matthew Walker, not getting enough sleep could do some serious damage to your life as it can negatively affect your physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation can lead to a slew of health issues ranging from dementia to an increase in the likelihood of succumbing to a heart attack. The reason for this is because sleep is vital to ensuring that your mind and body recover properly every day. This is why you have to commit to sleeping properly when deciding to make the shift to an overall healthier lifestyle. Sleep and Exercise The link between sleep and exercise is well documented in both the academic and practical sense. Listen to any interview involving professional athletes and many of them mention how important getting a good night's rest is. In fact, LeBron James emphasizes the importance of getting at least eight hours of sleep every night in order for him to achieve peak performance during training. He said, “that’s the best way for your body to physically and emotionally be able to recover and get back to 100 percent as possible.” And it is this link between exercise and sleep that has been studied and research again and again. Dr. Bradley Cardinal, a sport and exercise psychologist at Oregon State University explains how sleep is necessary for both conserving energy and repairing tissues in your body, and how athletes, like LeBron James, need to match their rest time to how active they are. He explains that “the more time you spend in the gym, then, the more shut-eye your body needs.” And with the exercise industry now a trillion-dollar industry, more people are looking to experts like Dr. Bradley Cardinal from universities as a primary source of guidance to improve their health. This is why those who study degrees in exercise science are now at the forefront of providing advice and counseling on areas including behavioral strategies and stress management, both which are closely linked to recovery through sleep. This also entails training the body to sleep better. Aerobic exercises, in particular, have been found to improve a person’s ability to get higher quality sleep. What this research shows is that those who exercise regularly need to ensure they are getting enough sleep in order to perform, while those who are struggling to sleep need to examine whether they are active enough to promote healthy sleep cycle. Sleep and Nutrition Obesity is one of the most common health problems in the world. By now it shouldn't be surprising to know that sleep can also be tied to this issue. A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health highlights how getting a good night's sleep can help reduce the risk of obesity.
Now, it's important to note that how long you sleep isn't the only determining factor. Getting eight hours of sleep is important, but you also have to make sure that it's quality sleep. In fact, something as simple as turning off the lights or playing ambient sounds could improve your sleep by leaps and bounds. Researchers observed that people who slept with the lights on had a higher body mass index and larger waist circumference than those who slept with no light.
Using sounds might be uncommon as some people prefer to sleep in complete silence, however, studies show that using sound conditioners or white noise can promote a good night’s rest by blocking distracting noise and producing soothing sounds. It provides a constant hum or a relaxing “sound cocoon” that protects you from abrupt disturbances. To ensure high quality sleep, you can check out our wide variety of sleep sounds, which include nature sounds, musical sounds, and many more . To make it easier for you, we are also on Spotify! Build good sleep patterns and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. If you need more help getting the right amount of rest, check out our article on things you can do to help you sleep better!
Article specially written for fadeawaysleepsounds.com
Author: Rebecca Jane